Friday, April 4, 2008

Proposal to prosecute non-Muslims for khalwat

This article published in the star yersterday. Didnt have the time to blog about... but how ever i will still blog it now. "They" Are proposing to prosecute non-Muslim for khalwat. Please read the article below.


KUALA LUMPUR: A seminar on Syariah Law review wants non-Muslims found committing khalwat (close proximity) with Muslims to also be held liable.

( Boleh ke ?? Org sendiri pun tak terjaga )

This was among the proposals made at the two-day seminar organised by the Islamic Institute of Understanding Malaysia (Ikim) and the Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia.

Syariah Court of Appeal Judge Datuk Mohd Asri Abdullah said the seminar had proposed that non-Muslims committing khalwat with Muslims should also be sentenced accordingly, but in the civil courts.

( Menurut satu fakta, Mahkamah Civil tak ada rang undang undang untuk khalwat )

“We don’t have the jurisdiction to sentence non-Muslims committing khalwat with Muslims,” he told reporters after closing the seminar on behalf of department director-general Datuk Ibrahim Lembut at Ikim here today.

“The Muslims can be sentenced in Syariah courts, and the non-Muslim partners can probably be sentenced in the civil courts, to be fair to both parties.”

He said the proposal, contained in a draft resolution at the seminar, would be forwarded to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

“It is up to the Attorney-General’s Chambers or the relevant authorities to decide how to create such a law,” he said.

( Lebih baik hang focus pada kes kes rogol yg berlaku berleluasa, Suami yang tak beri nafkah pada isteri dan anak anak, )

However, he declined to elaborate when the proposal would be forwarded to the Government.

Another proposal is to impose heftier penalties – of up to four times the current penalties – on Muslims caught for khalwat, prostitution, consuming alcohol and involvement in gambling activities.

( Lagi yang hang kawal lagi orang buat. Itu masalah individual dgn Tuhan /Allah , Apa kena mengena ngan hang. Jgn jaga tepi kain org. byk masalah lagi yang perlu di ambil berat dari serbu seorg demi seorg, tak akan habis cerita dia )

Mohd Asri said Ikim and the department were proposing that the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Amendment) 1984 be amended to impose stiffer penalties of RM1,000 fine, or five years’ jail or 12 strokes of the rotan for Syariah Lower Courts and RM20,000 fine, or 10 years’ jail or 24 strokes of rotan for Syariah High Courts.

( Hang ingat tue boleh menakutkan orang orang yang gersang nie ??? Minggu lepas seorg tua nak mampus tak sedar diri, baru keluar penjara sebab rogol anak sendiri, 2 minggu lepas tue cabul anak jiran. Apasal tua tua nak mampus pun gersang gila babi lagi nie. tak sedar sedar lagi ke ?? )

Current limits are a maximum of three years’ jail, or RM5,000 fine, or up to six lashes or any combination of these, and different states provide different penalties for these offences.

“This has not been reviewed since 1984. It has been more than 20 years,” said Mohd Asri.

There was also a proposal for Syariah judges to enforce whipping for these offences.

( apa guna ?? )

Another proposal calls for the establishment of a rehabilitation centre for those convicted of offences related to morals and faith such as prostitution and effeminate men, and enforcement of Section 54 of the Syariah Criminal Offences Act (Act 559) to set up such centres.

The seminar also agreed to a suggestion that a new provision be created for apostates.

Kadang kadang aku pun tak faham, Ada org tue, dah kena tangkap lebih 3 kali pun dia org nak tangkap lagi. Apa kena mengena ngan awak ??? Tue masalah individu ngan tuhan/allah lah. Macam bulan puasa.. memang salah kalau tak puasa. Tapi kalau dah tegur pun tak nak dgr biar je lah... paksa paksa ada guna ke ??? tahu depan depa buat lagi.

Aku rasa banyak lagi perkara perlu di ambil berat dari pergi menyerbu rumah orang dan memalukan individu dengan merakam perbuatan mereka. ( Pergi la youtube, type Tangkap basah. Byk video kat sana ) , Ambil satu masalah yang aku rasa sangat serius "ROGOL dan CABUL" . Masalah nie dah makin berleluasa, Abg rogol Adik, Adik rogol Kakak, Bapa rogol anak, Yang tua nak mampus pun nak publisiti murahan, Datuk rogol Cucu...... dah tua nak mampus pun tak sedar sedar lagi. gersang gila babi....Orang kalau dah tua, beri teladan yang baik pada cucu cucu, bukan jadi setan yang darhagakan dara. Tue orang panggil , setan bertopengkan manusia.

Cam kes lain, Suami tak beri nafkah untuk anak dan bekas isteri. Cam mana ?? focus dalam hal hal nie lagi baik.

Masih banyak kes di kalangan org melayu ( seperti diatas ) tak dapat di selesaikan. Cam mana nak focus kat non muslim ??? Banyak sangat kaki tangan dan masa ke ?? Kalau banyak lebih baik seattle perkara perkara kat atas

8 Shoutout:

Anonymous said...

Saya, dengan sepenuh kuasa dan semangat menyokong kerajaan/OIC/Mahkamah Syariah untuk mem-prosecude org yg bukan melayu jika mereka bermain dengan api. Ini kerana, mereka seharusnya bersikap tanggungjawab seperti diajar dalam form 4 dan form 5. Pendidikan moral itu penting untuk semua orng bukan melayu kerana merekalah yang kurang bermoral. Apatah lagi mereka boleh berkhalwat sewenang-wenangnya tanpa memikir akibat dan emosi orng yang berkenaan. Oleh itu, jerry seharusnya bersikap tanggung jawab supaya dia tidak disabit kesalahaan berkhalwat. Ini malaysia, semua orng sepatutnya mematuhi satu set undang undang terutamanya jerry.
Oleh itu, jerry, cepat kahwin.
Demikianlah komen saya yang tidak munasabah dan ejaan yang cukup tak cun sekali.


Veronikins said...

Saya, dengan sepenuh kuasa dan semangat ingin bertanyakan beberapa soalan berkenaan komen saudari KC yang tidak munasabah dan ejaan yang cukup tak cun sekali.

Menurut pernyataan saudari :

"Pendidikan moral itu penting untuk semua orng bukan melayu kerana merekalah yang kurang bermoral."

-dari survey mana dapat maklumat ini?? ini bermakna saudari yang bukan malayu adalah ahli di kalangan kumpulan sosial yang tidak bermoral in lah??

"Apatah lagi mereka boleh berkhalwat sewenang-wenangnya tanpa memikir akibat dan emosi orng yang berkenaan"

-Kalau fikir ttg akibat dan emosi dulu??
Eg: Akibat-memuaskan nafsu pasangan
Emosi- pasangan gembira
dalam situasi begini, khalwat di benarkan???

"Oleh itu, jerry, cepat kahwin."

-Kahwin hanya untuk kepuasan nafsu??,Lepas kahwin kalau berkhalwat dengan orang lain oleh ka?


Jerry Cornelius said...

Saya dengan sepenuh kuasa dan semangat,ingin memaklumkan maklumat berkenanan tiada kaitan dgn.. kahwin ke tak... moral ke tak...

kalau individu pilih utk berkhalwat biarkan saja. itu pilihan mereka. mereka perlu bertanggungjawab jikalau berlaku perkara yang tak di ingini


Anonymous said...

"L"?????? Oh Puhleeeaaseee lah! :P


Anonymous said...

Saya rasakan itu orang yang mau prosecute it orang yang berkhalwat kerana dia sangant jealous kerana talak orang mau berkhalwat sama dia. Dia tak boleh accept org lain hapi hapi tapi dia pulak lonely...

Kesiannn lorrr...

Jerry Cornelius said...

Memang dia org jelous... Di org tak dapat kongkek dia cari free show... Mungkin Malaysia tak ada porn production ...

Pegawai buat serbuan,
Ada pegawai guna Kamera.
Kata nye haram.. tapi pakai kamera tak haram ke ??

Ops tangkap basah,
Pegawai, pasang mata,
Pegawai, pasang telinga
Semua dah basah baru buat serbuan.


Anonymous said...

Absurd, why do nonmuslims have to get charged by a law that has got nothing to do with him/her? Sure, both are involved in the mess but I'd imagine both sides gave consent to this; the thing is one religion forbids this sort of thing, but for the other the practice is perfectly ok. If any of you think It's unfair to prosecute only one side then blame yourself for making up a law that go against human nature. Come on..isn't sex just part of life? I mean, fine, your religion may find it wrong, I'm not shitting on anyone's religion here, but that's YOUR problem if your daughter/son gives consent in the first place. If they think It's wrong then they should decline. It's normal behaviour for the rest of us. And It's not like nonmuslims dragged him/her along by their ankles.

Oh yeah, speaking of that, there are RAPE cases out there. If you want to find one thing that's "tak bermoral" It's that one. Who's doing anything for that one? I'm for one tired of all the abductions, incest, rape and murder cases going consistently in a daily basis. Yeah that;s right, daily.. If you religious law inforcement dudes have so much time trying to catch people showing natural, genuine affection for each other, how about focusing your much needed attention for those crazy bastards having non-consensual sex with their own children? If there's any use for old Muslim laws it's the most useful for this one. Seriously, who cares for these people? I'd say stone and castrate those pricks! See if they can be repeat offenders if they have no dick.

To me those proposing this law

1) Are jealous of not being able to do it themselves. Well, It's your own fault for limiting yourself that way. To bad if the rest of the world doesn't think your way. You'll just have to put up with it.

2) These religious dudes probably don't have good sex lives themselves. Well, don't blame their other halves. It's one thing to wear that brimless hat and flowing robes once in a while during prayers but the 24/7/365? Screw that. Sleep at the couch, please.

3) These guys are just finding another excuse to prevent Malaysian cultures from mixing around.

I think the third one really hits the spot. But hey, sorry to burst your bubble, but love is unconditional and unexpected in more ways than one, and there will be more and more inter-religious/race couples around in the future, none of your stupid laws will stop that. If you set these ridiculous rules, no one will take you guys seriously anymore.

Well, that's all I have to say and I'll leave it at that. Man, It's swell being anonymous. Go ahead you righteous dudes, come get me! I think only Jerry and a few others can guess who I am at this point ;)

That's it.. my voice is heard. I'm outta here.

Jerry Cornelius said...

Wow Dude....

Thats was Brilliant Man.... I love it.. HAHAHAHA... i think u just made a "Direct Hit" to those FREAK!

As i Said. They just have nothing else better to do... There is another case that i think they should be focus on. NOT this kinda Rubbish.

Anyway... yea... Only me and other noe who is him... Spank me :p