Saturday, February 28, 2009

Herald VS Islam

I was too bored while waiting for salary, and when to read some news..... it seem that herald Vs Islam is not over yet.

I really don't understand why they are not over it yet... 1st of all before i continue.. i would like to emphasize that i do not have anything against Islam... as i respect others religion and their believe. However i really don't understand is... why are the Muslim go against the word of "Allah" being use in the herald?

Article i found in UTUSAN

"Di PULAU PINANG pula, Yang Dipertua Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Pulau Pinang (MAINPP), Shabudin Yahaya terkejut dengan keputusan KDN membenarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh penerbitan agama Kristian.

Beliau, yang bimbang dengan perkembangan itu, menggesa KDN membuat penelitian sedalam-dalamnya berhubung perkara itu kerana ia menyentuh sensitiviti agama suci itu dan umat Islam di negara ini.

Bagi saya ini amat bahaya kerana ia boleh mendatangkan kekeliruan kepada masyarakat terutama yang beragama Islam"

I don't understand why it will make the Muslim confuse? If a person is faithful to their religion and teaching.. i don't believe they will "confuse".

We are talking about freedom of religion. however we do aware that "ISLAM" is the official religion of this country. But does that mean "they" can step on others religion and people that practicing their own believe?

What ever i said in this blog doesn't mean i side the catholic church. For you information for the time being I'm still free thinker. i think is better....

Bottoms line is... i think no matter who we are.. we have no right to say "Allah" only can be use by ISLAM. This is a just a word and the people have the right to choose to use or not to use.

P/S: Maybe they should put Trade mark to the words that they think other's people cannot use.

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