Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A case of Lipstick and high heels

Last month some "genius" came out with a statement saying that our school uniform is too sexy, yesterday another genius came up with more "brilliant" ideas.

i quote him
antaranya tidak boleh memakai gincu dan kasut tumit tinggi yang tidak mengeluarkan bunyi. Yang dipertuanya Shafie Ismail berkata arahan itu bagi mengelak berlakunya anasir jahat seperti rogol dan zina selain menjaga maruah serta peribadi muslimah di negeri ini.

The state government of Kelantan( Another state of Malaysia ) prohibits muslim women from wearing lipstick and also high heeled shoes. especially those that sound when you walk on it because they claim that it will safeguard the dignity of women and prevent rape and illicit sex.
And for those that choose to ignore this directive can be fined up to RM 500.

wow.. i didn't know lipstick and the "click" of the high heel shoes can attract rapists and illicit sex. Thats one hell of a revelation.. to me at least.

Can u imagine from the rapist point of view?? one day at the shopping mall or street. 2 rapist talking to each other..
Rapist 1: "OMG.. look there.. 3 o'clock"
Rapist2: " Where??? .. wow.... REd lipstick... i bet its Loreal no. 02 raspberryplum"
Rapist1: " *drools* Prade killer heels"

At the same time they propose that if high heels were worn, the heels must be made of rubber so that it doest not produce any sound.. can you imagine ?? Amazing... maybe its a strategy to make us malaysians buy more "barangan buatan malaysia"(Malaysian made) after all, one of the major resource in this country includes rubber. Just think of it.. Rubber shoes, Rubber tyres, Rubber ..condoms.. :P

I really don't understand how some people have such a shallow mind, seem like they never think what they gonna say. And these are not just anybody,.. these people are supposed to be leaders!... scary ain't it?


Source : http://malaysiakini.com/news/84917

Unable to find the article in English.

4 Shoutout:

Anonymous said...

LipIce will be a better choice for everyone lol

Anonymous said...

From S.V

Jerry Cornelius said...

Yea lipice will be good. but wondering what reason they gonna give...got flavor.. haram! muahahaha

BTW SV who are you ??

Anonymous said...

Anda membuat beberapa poin bagus di sana. Saya melakukan pencarian pada subyek dan ditemukan terutama orang akan persetujuan dengan blog Anda..